Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day 2 - after treatment

Again - so far so good!
Day 2 and still going strong!
I am working from home today because I cannot shower until tomorrow to keep my incisions from surgery from getting wet. So, I am camping out in our home office. Pictures are of kids looking in.

I have to say: God Bless Jamie for staying home with my 2 precious angels all day! The first hour of the morning, I think he spent the whole time keeping them from fighting! The second hour he spent keeping them from entering the office where I am working! I also think I heard CJ say "MINE" 500 times this morning! The man has the patience of a saint! There is a reason why I go to work everyday!

On another note: CJ is talking up a storm these days. He used to call Celia "Yaeh Yah" - it was so cute! Now he calls her "Dulia" - getting closer to the real pronunciation "Celia". I think he cannot say the "s" sound, yet. Celia gets a real kick out of it.



Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling okay. Yes, what would we do without our life partners?

Anonymous said...

Christy - If the world were full of all positive people like you - oh what a happy world it would be. I admire your "can do - take charge" attitude!!
