Friday, July 27, 2007

Oncologist Appointment

I now have my oncologist consultation appointment.
Dr. Brian Yurinec at the Pluta Cancer Center on Thursday August 2 at 4pm.

Genetic testing bloodwork: Tuesday August 7, 2pm.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Good News tonight

I moved from one test to another today. For the most part, I did not expect to get any results from any of the tests today.

But, Dr. Destounis at EWBC, did my lymph node biopsy and pushed the sample through pathology. She called me this evening with the good news that the test came back negative for cancer in my lymph nodes! This is good news. The lymph nodes are the next place that the cancer would spread to, if it had spread outside my breast.

Now - there is still the chance of microscopic cancer cells in the lymph nodes that they just cannot detect - but chemo will kill those.

I have to just say - Dr. Destounis is absolutely wonderful! She is a radiologist at Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic. When she came in to see me today, she gave me a big hug. We had such a fun conversation about Silpada jewelry and our extrovert personalities.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Here's an updates on my appointments:

Thursday, July 26:
8:45am - Pre-Chemo Ecco on my heart
10:45am- Cat Scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis
1:00pm - EWBC - Lymph Node Biopsy

Still working on: Genetics testing appointment and the Oncologist appointment at Pluta

Genetic Testing

This is just some interesting information:

First of all 1 in 7 women get breast cancer! That was so much higher of a number that I ever realized!

10-15% of those women have the mutated gene that makes us more susceptible to getting cancer (I have a lot of literature on this that I have not had a chance to read, yet).

So - Dr. Caldwell believes I should get the genetic testing done. Not because I have an Aunt who is a breast cancer survivor but because I am so young. They typically see the 30 somethings with breast cancer have the gene.

I continued to pursue this dialog with him.
I asked if I did not test for the gene and I still wanted to get a double mastectomy, could I? He said yes, I could choose to do that. So I then asked why get the testing? What benefit does it add?

He then told me the deciding factor: there is also a gene that makes women more susceptible for ovarian cancer. And the gene testing will tell me this, and if I have it, I could choose to pro-actively take those parts out too!

I decided - I really want to avoid doing this treatment process, twice. So, if needed, I would take out my ovaries. Let's hope that is not the case. But, I'd rather know and deal proactively than not and deal reactively!

Also - if I have either of these gene's - Celia has a 50% chance of having them. She should know her risk in the future. And hopefully, by then, they have proactive treatments for her that are not as invasive as the reactive treatment I am about to undergo!

Link to article in this morning paper on the subject of Genetic Testing ---What timing !

Kicking my Cancer's Ass

Why do I like Dr. Caldwell? He really had my same attitude and style.

As he was doing my exam we were discussing vacations.
He asked if I had been on vacation, yet. I told him that I hadn't and was hoping to leave for my vacation on Sunday for a week long trip to Ohio - Maumee Bay State Park with my Dad. Of course, I got the usual inquisitive look, like where? why?......Most people around here go to the Coast or Adirondacks for vacation - not Ohio! We continued our conversation around why Ohio, etc.....

Then he says "so, your going on vacation next week".
I say "Again, if you say I can"
He says "No, you are going on vacation next week and when you get back, we are going to kick your cancer's ass!"
I say "Yah - let's do that!"

I'm all for the doctor that wants to kick my cancer's ass!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Good Appointment

I will post more tomorrow - but I know everyone is interested in hearing how the appointment went tonight.

It went well. I really like Dr. Caldwell and feel really good that I have met him and that we are moving!

Basically - the treatment path will be as such:
1) Start chemo the first week or so of August. Do chemo for 4 months (every 2 weeks) - this is the fast track! Woo hoo - only 4 months of puking vs. 6 months of puking (more to tell on this later)

2) Surgery - potentially lumpectomy (if chemo can really shrink this down), most likely mastectomy in January - with reconstruction.

3) Hormone pills taken every day for the next 5 years - as a way to help prevent recurrence.

This week will be a whirlwind of appts:
1) Blood work for genetic testing
2) Cat scan of upper body including pelvic area
3) Biopsy of lymph nodes
4) Ultrasound of my heart to ensure it is strong enough to handle chemo

So, obviously more to come....................

Monday, July 23, 2007


We went down to the South End of Canandaigua Lake on Sunday. Our good friends, The Battle's, have a nice dock and hut on the lake with numerous boats (about 4-5 boats at any given time). We used to spend a lot of time down there with Scott and Becky (pre-kids) just hanging on the water, drinking, swimming and boating. (those stories are for another day!) We love it down there.

Since kids, neither couple spends a significant amount of time down there.
Well, this weekend was our first trip down there since CJ was born, 2 years ago. He has never been there before - but obviously, from this video, you can see he has no fear of the water! He is a crazy swimmer! He puts his little life jacket on and counts 1...2...3....Go! And he jumps right in! It doesn't bother him that he is submerged, he doesn't care how high the jump is, he is confident that he will resurface! And will do so with the biggest grin on his face! Literally, he is a natural born swimmer! We all just laugh at his courageousness.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Got any WEED ?

With all that we have going on right now, we hope to always remember this time as "the summer of the weed" I have friends who may disagree as to that particular "summer"(you know who you are)

Earlier this spring we began to see and interesting plant peak out from under the mulch. It didn't look like your average weed, so I decided to leave it and see what it would do next. What it did, was continue to grow. A bud would form on top and eventually shed a new layer of leaves, resembling tobacco. Eventually a yellow flower grew from the top. This began to peak the interest of our neighbors, drive by gawkers and NASA, could it be an alien life form sent to Earth. It did remind me of the plant in "Little Shop of Horrors", so I warned the kids in the neighborhood, not to get to close, It might bend over and eat you. "where is Dakota actually ?"

I had really grown to like my new weed, I saw it grow from a little seedling to a tall weed to be proud of. I would have liked to have seen the weed brave the seasons, and possibly come back even stronger next year, but it was time to say Goodbye. CJ and I, chopped it down this week. We still have have it on the side of the garage resting, sort of our mourning period until garbage day, Tuesday.

We'll let you know if it makes a comeback next year.


Pool Club

We had a great day at the pool club yesterday. It was sunny and 75 degrees out. And for those who don't know - the pool heater at the club has been broken for easily 4 weeks! The water was painfully cold for adults (mind you, kids had no problem with the cold water!). Well, the pool owners have purchased a brand new pool heater and it was a wonderfully warm temperature yesterday, adding to our enjoyment of the pool club.

We went with our friend Bill and our neighbor / babysitter, Anna. We also met our friends Lori and Dave Chans and their 2 kids, Conner and Morgan.

Lori and I were lounging and discussing my breast cancer treatment path forward, when the woman lounging next to us interrupted us. Apologized for overhearing (which, we all know is easy to do when I am talking!) and continued to tell me that she was a breast cancer survivor. In 2003 she was diagnosed - she was about 32 ish with a 3 year old and a 2 year old at home. It turns out she has the gene - and it runs in her family. She had a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation. And stated that although, the year is a blur to her, it is very doable. She did lose her hair (but she has a beautiful head of dark thick hair now), and she did take Zyphran (sp?) for the nausea / puking from chemo and it worked. This drug is for chemically induced vomiting. The biggest thing for her was feeling tired. but she pushed through given she had toddlers to take care of. No kidding - we all know if you have toddlers - there is no rest for the weary! Her name is Megan Dean and is looking forward to hearing my updates at the pool as the summer progresses! She also gave me a recommendation of her plastic surgeon, Vega.

Again, another good news story - from a person in their 30s (I have heard of at least 5 in the past week)!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


I have made a decision on my surgeon.
Based on many factors, including years of experience, I have decided to go with Dr. Christopher Caldwell. I have heard that both doctors are top notch, but Caldwell has more experience and sends his chemo patients to the oncologists at the Pluta Cancer Center. I have heard from others that the Pluta Cancer Center, in addition to state-of-the-art technology, is about creating a comfortable experience for the patients. This is important to me, as I truly believe that positive energy, emotions, and a strong will and body improves my ability to repsond to the treatments and lead a happy life.

I have an appointment wth Dr. Caldwell on Tuesday July 24 at 4:45pm. I cannot wait to get started. The waiting is tough!

So, let's all relax and enjoy our weekend, as no new developments will arise from now until Tuesday!

Here is a link to the Pluta Cancer Center

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

MRI results

Dr. Destounis from EWBC called tonight to give me the results of the MRI. There are no new findings as a result of the MRI. I, and Dr. Destounis, consider that good news. Just the one tumor in my right breast - but it is rather large - about 3". She said that tumors like this one respond well to chemo. So, she recommends I get in with a surgeon quickly to start chemo to stunt the tumors growth.

Still no signs that this has spread anywhere else. So all is good.
The only better news I could get tonight was that the tumor disappeared! And I highly doubt that miracle will occur without medical intervention! So, overall, I think it was a good day!

I will have no more to update now until I get in to see a surgeon.............



We have made progress this week. I now have to make 2 appointments with 2 different breast cancer surgeons. And then decide which one will be my surgeon / treatment coordinator.

Dr. Kristin Skinner was recommended by my PCP. She is affiliated with Strong.
Dr. Christopher Caldwell was recommended by my OB/GYN. He works out of the Pluto cancer center and is a surgeon at Highland.

If anyone knows of anyone who has worked with either of these 2 - please let me know, so I can learn about their experiences and success rate statistics.

I had my MRI yesterday. It was relatively uneventful. Much to my sister's dismay, it was a breast MRI, not a full body scan (she thinks we should all be able to get full body scans every year! - actually she just updated me - she thinks every 5 years - she is realistic!) I don't have the results of the MRI. Maybe tonight.

I talked with Dr. Ruckert, my OB/GYN, and he seemed quite assured that we caught this early. He felt was that it will be 3-6 months before surgery with chemo treatments before surgery. He was also very helpful and upbeat! He also felt that it was OK for me to take a couple of weeks to determine surgeons and the right path forward for me. This is NOT a stage 4 aggressive moving cancer.

So, tomorrow I will call the 2 surgeons to make my appointments and hopefully I will be in to see both surgeons by the end of next week.

The good news is that it looks like we will be able to take our vacation to Ohio with my Dad and the rest of my family. We are very happy about that!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Duck Goose!

Here are Celia and CJ checking out the ducks along the canal in Bushnell's Basin.

CJ calls the ducks - "duck goose" - and yells the goose part. This is from playing too much "Duck, Duck, Goose"!

Celia pulled out her play cel phone - and pretended to take pictures of the ducks with it! Wow! When we were kids - there was no such thing as cel phone - much less, taking pictures with any phone at all!


Ice Cream

We had a great time Sunday afternoon. We had lunch at Tom Wahl's in Bushnell's Basin and then went across the street to have ice cream at Abbott's on the Erie Canal.

Abbott's melts easily, being it is so incredibly creamy, and we made the mistake of getting CJ a cone. As you can see, the ice cream is all over his face! Oh, to be 2..........


More Pictures

New updates

OK - so this isn't an exciting blog entry - but I thought I would post an update on my progress to date.

Today I am scheduled for my MRI at EWBC. This should be an in / out process. No new info will come to me today but should be within the next day or so. Really, this will be used for the surgeon to determine surgical and chemo path forward.

I spoke with my Primary Care Physiscian, Dr. Wallace Johnson, yesterday. He was wonderful and spent some time explaining the potential process. How the medical system works,and gave me a recommendation on a doctor team he uses at Strong. The recommendation was Dr. Kristin Skinner - she is the surgeon, and she coordinates with her team of oncologists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, to determine my treatment path forward.

I have an appointment with my OBGYN, Dr,. Ruckert tomorrow afternoon. At such time, he will also talk to me about options and his recommendations for doctor teams.

I feel good that I am talking with the doctors and am developing a path forward. We still have no idea what type of surgery I will have, whether I will require chemo before or after surgery, or whether I would be eligible for the hormone pill instead of chemo. As well, I will ask about the genetic testing for the mutated gene, as my Aunt Linda, my Dad's sister is also a breast cancer survivor.

So many questions, but good progress so far this week!

Thanks for all of your support!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is just a fun video of CJ watching Kodak Building Implosion

A friend in deed...................

Please read our friend and neighbor Kristin's Blog entry and her wonderful thoughts

A Glitch along the Way

Well, I've always had the idea of starting a Blog, As many people do, I thought it would be a great idea to chronicle the activities of my family, especially our kids Celia and CJ and my hectic and crazy life as a Stay home dad. Well, today is the day I start, I have found the way to begin, not the most ideal way, but we're going to let you step into our lives as we face our biggest challenge ever as a Family.

My wife Christy was diagnosed yesterday with Breast Cancer (stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer) . She had found an area in one of her breasts that obviously didn't feel right and made an appointment with her Doctor to have it looked at. They sent her for diagnostic testing Thursday to the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic . Biopsy results confirmed unfortunately what we had kind of expected. Christy will be posting more details in the future, so I'll just end this for now with something that most of you know and for those who do not, Christy is the most amazing strongest woman we have all ever been around. As we tell others the news and of course they are saddened by the this, after talking with Christy, that can't help but to be upbeat and positive and know that everything will be okay. It will be a hard few months and we will need the thoughts and prayers of everyone, As a Nurse at the Breast Clinic said, this will just be a "Glitch in your Life" In the end Christy will be a Champion and whomever may have to face this in the future, know that Christy will be there with all her strength, positive attitude and humor to make life a little easier through it all.