Friday, September 7, 2007

3rd Chemo crash day down!

Another crash day bites the dust!
Not too bad today - I lay low, watch some TV, rest (not really sleep) and now it's evening, I had some pizza and a much needed Diet Pepsi (no coffee this AM) and I feel pretty OK.

Even my Mom thought I seemed to be in pretty good shape for a "bad" day.

It has been a little busy at the house today (it's hard not to notice all the pink fundraising activities going on around me - for Hang Around Victor Days tomorrow). Check out Kristin's blog for the details!

Celia met her teacher today - and had a great time. The school and classroom are great! She is so excited to start school! And we are too!

She also went to pick out her backpack with her Nana today. She go this really cute My Little Pony Backpack (it's a large one - per the teachers instructions!). She is thrilled with it! Thanks Nana!


Unknown said...

Christy. Good luck tomorrow. I will be anxious to hear all about it. What does it take to get a pink bracelet? Love, Dad

Kristin said...

Hi Charles!

We ordered 500 Christy's Crew bracelets and they are somewhere between China and here. :) I will make sure you get a bunch as soon as I get them.

Thanks for all of your love and support! Kristin