Sunday, March 2, 2008

Successful Silpada Fundraiser

A few weeks ago - Christy's Crew held a fundraiser selling Silpada Jewelry.
This was a very special event. Not only did the profits of the event go to our Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, the hostess jewelry gifts went to Pluta Cancer Center where I get my cancer treatments.

The event was a huge success. We raised $900 for our Avon walk and purchased 29 pieces of jewelry ($1000 worth of jewelry) for Pluta Patients!

I wrapped all the boxes of jewelry and placed them into a basket to deliver to Pluta. Susan Vetter, the social worker at Pluta, will distribute this jewelry as a gift to patients who need a "pick-me-up" during their treatments. We are so excited to be able to brighten someones day with this small gift! It really does make you feel like you are making a difference in someones life!

I cannot thank Kristen Williams, our Silpada rep, enough for this generosity! And Shannon - Christy's Crew member for coordinating this fundraiser.

Here are some pix of the jewelry:

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