Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm Free!

I saw Dr. Frankel today and she has removed my restrictions! I am healing well - all looks good! I need to keep working on my range of motion exercises. I get to drive, FINALLY! I get to start working out (slowly, being reasonable and smart). I get to go back to work on Monday January 28, 2008.

I am so excited about this news! I feel freed!

Yesterday, Dr. Caldwell (my mastectomy surgeon) said "Happy 2008 and your cancer free!" What a great statement to hear! I have been so busy focusing on recovering from this surgery, that I neglected to cherish the thought that I am now considered "cancer free"! Maybe this is because I still had recovering to do and I am still going to undergo radiation.

Radiation will begin the first week in February and will go for 5 and 1/2 weeks. Completion mid-March.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, congratulations are in order. Happy New Year. You have done a wonderful job. Cancer free- hip, hip, hooray for Dadine! I love you. Dad