Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday - Day 4 after surgery

Things are going fine. I am up early this morning because I am tired of laying in on my back in my bed. I can't roll over to either side because rolling hurts. So, I sleep on my back.

The pain is not bad as long as I keep up with my pain melds. I am going to try to switch to one vicadin every 4 hours instead of 2 every four hours. I did that this morning and have little to no pain right now.

I slept a lot yesterday so that should help my healing process and I am sleeping well at night.

We are emptying the drainage tubes twice a day. A couple are already draining very little but there are 2 others that are draining more. Not a ton, nothing to be concerned about, just draining more than the others. It would be nice to get these tubes out of me - they are definitely the biggest hassle right now. Hopefully, early this week I will get one on each side removed. But, I am under strict instructions by Dr. Frankel to leave one tube on each side in until I see her on Christmas Eve morning - this means - another 7 days of these! Yuck! She wants to make sure all fluid is out when I get back to her so she can fill me again.

That's all for now...............



Anonymous said...

Hey Christy,

I am glad that you are feeling better today!! Almost there!! Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress.

Keep the faith :) Alice

Krista said...

Just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. Tell everyone I said hi and take care of yourself.

Joan said...

Sure thinking of you
Hope you can relax and let your body heal.
Take care