We had a very nice Christmas this year! The kids got a lot of toys and we are still working our way through opening and playing with all the new toys!
Celia was particularly excited for Christmas this year. She totally gets the Santa Claus thing!
Santa came to our neighborhood this year (as he does every year). He comes in a firetruck to the Gazebo at the park. All the young kids in the neighborhood love it! Celia spent time before he came, writing her Christmas list. Half the 8x10 page was hers and the other half was CJs. She brought it with her to visit Santa. Handed the list to him and had him read it all! Then she asked him to keep it, in case he forgot! Too cute! Let's me just say - she did not get everything on her list from Santa this year (that would be impossible, she circled every item in every catalogue - thinking that was "ordering"). She claimed all December - "I ordered "xxxx" from Santa!"
I was nervous she would be disappointed - but she's forgotten that she did not get everything she "ordered".
CJ, on the other hand, can't be bothered with opening presents. He just wants to play with the already opened ones, or play with his sister's. Celia opened most of CJ's gifts. He it thrilled with all of his trucks, trucks and more trucks.....some motorcycles and more trucks!
Here's a picture of them with Santa.................

Here's some pix of the decorating of the Christmas tree (it happened twice - the tree fell over once!)..............................

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