Monday, December 24, 2007

Very Exciting News!

Christy's Crew received very exciting news yesterday! We have officially teamed up with The Iron Butterfly. They will be our official training center for the Walk in Washington DC in May. They have offered a free membership from now until May for each Christy's Crew member. As well, they are giving us a personal training to work out with as a group once per week and he will put a training plan together for each individual. In addition, Robyn Chase (co-owner of the Iron butterfly) is joining Chrisy's Crew! This is all sooooooo cool!

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this. In addition, the Crew, has given me 20 personal training sessions with my own personal trainer at the Iron Butterfly! This was exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Having put my body through all that I have, I knew I was going to need to work extra hard to get my body back into shape! This is exactly what I needed!

I know that my breast cancer has touched so many lives. I hope that this gift from the IronButterfly helps positively touch the lives of all the crew members. I am hoping is brings us to the next phase, next level of our life reconstruction process. So many members joined the crew first because they wanted to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer, but secondly they wanted motivation to get into shape! Here is our golden opportunity!

In addition - the Iron Butterfly would like to video the process as part of a documentary! They will also video tape the walk in DC in May! This is also so great! The documentary, along with my blog, will someday help so many women fighting this same battle and will hopefully help to motivate these women to fight and win the battle!

Thank You Crew and the Iron Butterfly!

Go Crew!

Here is a link to Kristin's post regarding this opportunity Kristins Blog

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