Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First surgery of the day

I have to be at the hospital at 6am tomorrow for the first surgery of the day!
I will probably be in surgery around 8am and out by Noon. Jamie will post (if he can get wi fi at the hospital) when I am out of surgery.

Send your thoughts and prayers our way for a successful surgery!

I have a special shirt to wear tomorrow. A friend of mine, Shari McGrain, sent a Brother Wease shirt along to me. It was given to her as she was getting ready for her mastectomy. It is a survivor shirt and says Kick Cancer's Ass. She is the third survivor to wear it. I will be the fourth! And will pass it along to another survivor during her battle.

Here's to a great day tomorrow!



Anonymous said...

BIG HUGE thought and prayers with you Christy and Jamie. Here's to a quick recovery! ~ Erin

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Joe P