Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Surprise

On Valentine's Day - I got a surprise.
Jamie delivered roses, balloons and these stuffed animal monkeys to my office! I have never had a delivery to my office before! I was shocked!

He was in kahootz with Alice (Christy's Crew member and Coopervision co-worker). He called her on her cell phone, in the middle of our meeting. I gave her a nasty look - like your cell is ringing, turn it off! She answered it and then left the room mid sentence! I was actually a little annoyed with her! I was thinking - "Damn you - we're busy we need to get this done!" Then she returns with Jamie right behind her! I had to laugh! And quickly forgave, Alice.
The two monkeys represent Celia and CJ ! Clever! 3 roses - one from each of them and 3 balloons - one from each!

So sweet - and all I got them was candy! Celia got Belle chocolates. CJ got Superman chocolates. And Jamie got a bag full of Starbursts, Mike n Ike's etc....he loves that sugar candy stuff!

On top of it all - I also got a Silpada bracelet that I was eying at our Silpada fundraiser for Christy's Crew Last Saturday. I think I am being spoiled!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are the best and deserve the best. Jamie did a great job. It is so good to see the love in your life. Love, Dad