Monday, February 4, 2008

1st Radiation Treatment

February 4, 2008 = first of 28 radiation treatments.

It went fine. My appointment is at 8am every day. I was in my car by 8:20am. I didn't feel anything. It's like getting an XRay. I just lay there and the machine "radiates".
I was at work by 9am and that's with a stop at Rite Aid. (I fell on some black ice in the parking lot at Pluta while I was leaving and got a boo boo on my thumb. I needed to get neosporin and band aids. You would think that after living in Rochester for 15 years, I would know better than to not wear my boots outside in the winter!)

Potential side effectsof radiation: skin rashes / burning (over time, most people don't get bad burns, just irritation after a few weeks) and tiredness (again, cumulative - my doc said it would feel like I spent the day in the sun - nothing like chemo tired).

So - I am expecting that this process will go smoothly. Just 27 more times! Like groundhog day - every day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another day of "kicking ass". Glad to hear you are in the home stretch. Watch out for the ice. You are in my prayers every day. Love, Dad