Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Compression Sleeve

Today I went and got my very own compression sleeve and gauntlet! What's that, you say? Well, it is a tight, spandex type sleeve that I wear over my right arm and hand to keep fluid flowing so that I do not end up with Lymphedema (swelling in the arm and hand).

I need to wear this sleeve for the entire time I am undergoing radiation therapy (5 and 1/2 weeks) all day. I can take it off at night.

Because I had my axillary lymph nodes removed (because cancer was found in 2 of them so they removed the rest during my mastectomy), I have a greater chance of getting Lymphedema. One of the functions of lymph nodes, besides protection from infection, is to keep fluid flowing throughout your body. When you have less lymph nodes, fluid can build up. In my case, this is in my right arm. Radiation, greatly increases my chances of lymphedema so the compression sleeve will help prevent lymphedema from occurring.

Here is some info on lymphedema
More on lymphedema with a picture of a compression sleeve

Exercise also helps prevent lymphedema and most people don't develop it. The compression sleeve and exercise are pro-active treatments to prevent occurrence.

I have to say, I am glad it is winter for this fun! The sleeve really is not uncomfortable, but it would look silly with a tank top and incredibly uncomfortable on a 90 degree day! It will keep me warm on these 10 degree days this winter!

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