Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Treatment #5 Down!

Today was an eventful day!
First of all, an article was printed today in the Rochester Newspaper - the Democrat and Chronicle about myself and Christy's Crew (our team name for the Breast Cancer Walk in Washington, DC). Here is the article - D&C Article

The article has really caught a lot of attention - at Pluta today - the nurses had already seen the article when I came in and called me a star! They showed all their patients the article and all the patients wanted to talk to me today! They all thought it was an inspiring article. I like the article and the pix. I don't like the title in the print version (the headline is different in the print version - it reads "Ailing Woman Inspires Action" - No body EVER uses the word "ailing" with me! I actually hate that word being associated with me........but it's the media, oh well!

My white cells were good once again! So, I did get my 5th treatment. But - my red cells have dropped to "anemic" levels. This does not stop treatment, but will now require me to get a weekly shot of Procrit to raise my red blood cells and to avoid needing blood transfusion. This shot will start next week once they get approval from Preferred Care. In addition, I need to take iron pills and eat iron rich foods. Funny thing is that anemia causes fatigue and I have not been fatigued (they attribute that to me being young and vibrant).
In addition, I need to keep my physical activity low until I can start getting the shots.

I need to look for different side effects - tingling in fingers and toes, and muscle and joint pains over the next 3-5 days due to the Taxol Chemo I have just received. Some people experience this, some don't. So- like everything else - let's hope that I don't have these side effects!

More to come - but 5 down and 3 to go! In the home stretch! YEAH!



Anonymous said...


Glad to hear treatment #5 is done now!!

Here is a list Iron Food Sources. The first number is the Serving Size (oz.), and the second is the Iron (mg).

Just let me know if you want me to chart this :) Alice

Beef, liver 3.0 7.5
Beef, corned 3.0 2.5
Beef, lean ground; 10% fat 3.0 3.9
*Beef, round 3.0 4.6
*Beef, chuck 3.0 3.2
*Beef, flank 3.0 4.3
Chicken, breast w/out bone 3.0 0.9
Chicken, leg w/bone 2.0 0.7
Chicken, liver 3.0 7.3
Chicken, thigh w/ bone 2.3 1.2
Cod, broiled 3.0 0.8
Flounder, baked 3.0 1.2
*Pork, lean ham 3.0 1.9
*Pork, loin chop 3.0 3.5
Salmon, pink canned 3.0 0.7
Shrimp, 10 - 2 1/2 inch 1.1 0.5
Tuna, canned in water 3.5 1.0
Turkey, dark meat 3.0 2.0
Turkey, white meat 3.0 1.2

Kristin said...

Leave it to Alice to offer to chart Iron rich foods. :)

You are a star!! Always will be as far as I am concerned. You are doing an amazing job. Keep up the AWESOME work!!

As the poster said on the blog today, "Tough girls beat cancer."

You are SO tough!!