Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Today is #7!

After today only 1 more to go - and only 3 weeks total to go for the chemo process! I really cannot wait!

I am happy to go to Pluta today - I get to continue my fight! After the past weekend of grieving at the wake and the funeral for Uncle Mike, chemo seems like a treat. And really, it is.

This one is for Uncle Mike - who did not get a chance to fight his cancer, and would have if he had the chance. I have the chance, and I am taking it! I am going to fight the fight for myself and my family. And then turn around, and fight this battle for future generations - in hopes that my daughter and nieces never have to worry about breast cancer.

Here's to a great 7th treatment!


Kristin said...

You are amazing!! Have fun with Alice today!! Make sure she is charting all of your activities for the next team meeting.

Anonymous said...

Your attitude inspires me! Yeah for one more to go!!! 90% done!

Cheers, Erin

Anonymous said...

Awesome - What movie will you be watching today???
