Sunday, September 23, 2007

Out of the Funk - AGAIN

4th chemo crash day down! Halfway!
Friday was chemo crash day. It wasn't too bad - I actually think it would hve been the best one yet - had it not ben for my horrible head cold! I had an excrutiating sinus headache with congestion all day Friday. This horrible head cold continued into yesterday - so even though I had recovered from chemo, I had not recovered from my head cold. Today seems much better!

I have been fighting this cold for probably a month - and it finally took hold last weekend. The steroids that they gave me at chemo, Tuesday, seemed to put the symptoms at bay for Tues - Thurs. Weird. Then on Friday, the head cold picked up where it left off on Tuesday! I have no medical explanation for that (and maybe it's all in my head - pun) but that is how I describe it!

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