Friday, August 31, 2007


Hey hey - it's Friday before a 3 day Labor Day weekend! Nice!
I haven't posted in a couple of days. That's just because things are plugging along just fine. It's a normal week in the Palmiere household.

We are all fighting colds. Including myself. Which hasn't been without stress for me. I need to make sure I don't get an infection so I am taking my temp every day to make sure it doesn't rise. So far, so good. I have the cold that Celia had, but I seem to have been able to keep it mild by taking a lot of Airborn and trying to get extra rest. And I am a maniac with washing my hands! Celia starts pre-school in a week - so this could be a long 3 more months of me fighting colds!

I have felt good all week, other than the cold fight. Normal again. No extra fatigue or nausea. No additional side effects, except sinus headaches (I had that last round too and is a side effect of one of the chemo drugs).

I've started my exercise routine again (after 3 and 1/2 weeks off with the surgery and first round of chemo). I have decided that running isn't working for me right now. I ran the other morning and it was a huge struggle! I know that taking 3 weeks off is the kiss of death in a running routine, but this was worse than just 3 weeks off. I started to feel like I was going to pass out after 5 min of running. And the rest of the day I felt a little tired and queasy. I think it just pulls too much energy from my body that is already working so hard to maintain energy. So - I am now walking every morning instead of running. That seems to be going better from and energy standpoint. I need to walk anyway for my 39 mile walk in May for the AVON Breast Cancer Walk in DC with Christy's Crew!

I have to say, I am pleased with how this process is going for me. I feel better that I ever dreamed I would have during chemo. That is motivating in itself. Every day I feel good gives me more motivation to keep fighting!

I am looking forward to the Labor Day weekend! Just some fun with the kids at the pool club. My Mom is coming into town on Sunday for a week. So that will be a nice time. We look forward to her coming!

Have a great weekend everyone!



mom2hoops said...

I read that taking Echinachea (you can find it by the vitamins) Is great to help you immune system ward off colds!
Hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Hey ... Save some of that walking for lunch hours. We need to do some walking and talking before the snow starts to fly. So glad you are feeling so good!! Such a fighter!! Enjoy the looonnnggg weekend. Keep the faith :) Alice

Unknown said...

Christy. Great hear all this news. Hope you shake the cold. You are doing a wonderful job with this battle and I know you will be a real winner. Enjoy your time with your mom. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Christy- Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you. Your attitude and strength are inspiring but not surprising based on the talks we've had about other tough stuff in the past. I will keep reading and praying for you...
Bethany (Jamie's cousin)