Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lymph Nodes

All has been moving along fine - and will continue to do so.

Remember when I had my surgery to put the port in last week? During that time they did a Sentinal Node Biopsy. They inject die into the tumor in the breast and xray what lymph nodes the tumor feeds to with the dye. Then during surgery - they removed the 2 lymph nodes that the tumor fed and biopsied them for cancer. I received the call from my surgeon last night stating that the cancer was in both of the lymph nodes. This means that is did spread to the lymph nodes. This does not drastically change the treatment path forward. I am still on chemo treatments for 4 months (and those kill cancer that is anywhere in my body) and when they do surgery in January, they will remove all my lymph nodes on the right side along with my breast.

So - we always knew there was a possibility of this. And most people I have talked to who have already been through the process of beating breast cancer - also had it in their lymph nodes. I was just walking around thinking I was lucky - given the needle biopsy on a lymph node came back negative.

For all of you who are amazed at my positive attitude and strength, I did break down with this news. Of course, I held it together when the doc was telling me. But - I did cry shortly thereafter. It was a blow. It just gets more scary to think it spread to the lymph nodes. I have been so pleased with how well I have been feeling. I was really disappointed with this news.

But - the prognosis is still "kickin cancers ass!" and I will be cured. And I will resume my normal life a year from now. I just had a set-back last night. The strong survive and God gives us what we can handle. He, obviously must think I am REALLY strong!

Bummer news!

Fun note: today is another adventure to a different wig lady! This was a recommendation from a friend of mine at CooperVision who used her when she went through chemo. Alice, Kristin and I are going today. And hopefully she has great wigs at a great price!


Unknown said...

Dadine. Sorry to hear the news but I know you will ultimately beat this thing. You are a strong woman and you have great support. We all are praying for you. Have fun finding the wig for you. I can't wait to see the new look. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Remember it's ok to cry... it does not mean you are not strong or not positive. It lets those emotions go and helps you to focus your energy on the fight. I cried a lot last year, regarding my mom and at first it felt like I was weak and could not handle things, but as time passed I realized the crying was an important part of moving forward and letting go.

We all know you will beat this. Just think it, and believe it, and it will be. I'm here for you girl.


Anonymous said...

None of this changes a thing Christy. You are still going to beat this ... just like you were yesterday. And all of us will still be here cheering you on!

I'll be out of the office tomorrow but Pam, Theresa and I will try to give you a call early next week. Let us know how the wig shopping goes!