Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Glitch along the Way

Well, I've always had the idea of starting a Blog, As many people do, I thought it would be a great idea to chronicle the activities of my family, especially our kids Celia and CJ and my hectic and crazy life as a Stay home dad. Well, today is the day I start, I have found the way to begin, not the most ideal way, but we're going to let you step into our lives as we face our biggest challenge ever as a Family.

My wife Christy was diagnosed yesterday with Breast Cancer (stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer) . She had found an area in one of her breasts that obviously didn't feel right and made an appointment with her Doctor to have it looked at. They sent her for diagnostic testing Thursday to the Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic . Biopsy results confirmed unfortunately what we had kind of expected. Christy will be posting more details in the future, so I'll just end this for now with something that most of you know and for those who do not, Christy is the most amazing strongest woman we have all ever been around. As we tell others the news and of course they are saddened by the this, after talking with Christy, that can't help but to be upbeat and positive and know that everything will be okay. It will be a hard few months and we will need the thoughts and prayers of everyone, As a Nurse at the Breast Clinic said, this will just be a "Glitch in your Life" In the end Christy will be a Champion and whomever may have to face this in the future, know that Christy will be there with all her strength, positive attitude and humor to make life a little easier through it all.


Kristin said...

I LOVE this picture of you guys!!! Christie, you ARE the strongest person I know and you will totally beat this! are amazing too and will be her guide through all of this. We love you!!

Sue said...

This site is great! You are all in our prayers everyday...always will be

Love Dad and Sue

Unknown said...

Excellent blog. I love you all and will always pray for you. Love, Dad

Jackie Rayburn said...

Jamie - way to go, you made me well up with tears yet again. But this time, they were tears of joy, that you admire and love my sister as much as I do. That means the world to me. Christy, you always say that I am so strong and seem to find pleasure in the pain of training and working out. You,my friend are much stronger than I am. This is your Ironman Christine, you will finish this bad boy and kick its ass - you will finish first. I love you with all my heart!!

Krista said...

Jamie- not sure if you all listen to country, but check this song out by Craig Morgan called "Tough"- good song, mde me think of you all.-Krista

Kevin said...

Hi guys---It's the Long Island division of your family weighing in.(or at least Kevin, Renee, Jake and Sam) I spoke with Mom this morning and she passed along the news of your latest challenge. I wanted to write to let you know we're behind you all the way and though we are not day to day close I feel a bond with you that is rooted in 30 plus years as cousins and as friends. Knowing how close you all are and what a great family you are I know you will rally and come out of this stronger than when you started.

Stay strong, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Kevin, Renee, Jake and Sam

Alice Heim said...

Christy and Jamie, I am confident that your love and strength will get you through this glitch, that you will both come to know more about breast cancer than you ever intended, and that you will use that knowledge to help hundreds--perhaps thousands--of future Cancer Survivors. The blog is a great idea. Thanks for sharing! Keep the faith!

Unknown said...

Christy & Jamie-
The Battle's are all too familiar with the "GLITCH ALONG THE WAY"- I can tell you one thing, "God builds the back to the burden"
You will get through this with a renewed faith in God and a different outlook on life. I guess that is the best part of having this type of thing affect your family.
I swear cancer seems to hit the strongest people..I think because God knows that the strongest have the will and determination to fight harder then the rest. Christy you are definately a fighter, and will pull through this. Then knowing you, you will no doubt become a supporter of women facing this challenge and give back somehow.
You have all of our support,love and of course prayers.

Jamie-You too will have a new role, but knowing you and your tenacity, you too will become a better father, husband, and caretaker when this is all said and done.
*not that you aren't already Great at all of those things :)

You two are a a great force together and We know you will make it through this. Thanks for posting this so we can follow your progress.

Love you guys!

Bobby said...

Hey Christie, It's the OTHER half of the Long Island division (Bobby). Mom just told me the news and I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I must say you have faced much worse fights with your brother and sister growing up so this one should be a breeze.All kidding aside, it was a pleasure reading all these great things about you and how strong of a person you are. I know this will all be behind you real soon. Stay strong.

Love Bobby, Angelina and Bobby jr.